"Give Thanks To Jehovah, For He is Good"
Psalm 106:1
2015 year text

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jesus Enemies Make Wicked Plans

Nisan 12

Luke 22:1-6; Mark 14:1, 2, 10,11


BADogs said...

Jews did have their own calander, and unlike ours, the jewish calender goes by the moon and its cycles. That is why passover/ the last supper doesnt land on the same day every year(our calender)

Gram said...

I like your posting for this time of the year (or for anytime of the year). I never heard about the Jewish calendar. That was interesting news to me. This I know, "Christ atoned for my sins, He suffered for me and all mankind, He died but arose from death and now He lives. He will lead us to our eternal home with Heavenly Father--if we believe in Him, have faith in Him, keep His commandments and endure to the end of mortal life. I thank God for sending His son and thank Christ for fulfilling His mission."